Years in review

Here we are at the very beginning of a new year. There are so many plans that lie ahead and so many wishes. Before I start working on any resolutions, I find it more important to steal a glance at the years that just passed. Being focused only on what needs to be done can sometimes bring us in despair. Looking back to what we already achieved, gives us a sense of accomplishment and it reassures us that we are capable of reaching our goals. I don’t know how other people are but I often find myself thinking that I am not doing enough or that life is passing by and I have no noticeable achievements. That is the moment when I have to stop and look back.

The last three years, since I moved to Ireland were definitely challenging and amazing at the same time. Between adjusting to a new culture, weather and way of living; being far from my friends and some of my family; meeting new people and making new friends; changing jobs and trying to find my purpose, I experienced all kind of feelings from hopelessness to joy. Everything that I encountered so far contributed to the person that I’ve become today. I discovered that I possess a great determination and stubbornness to stick to my plans when I truly desire something. I noticed that I have no fear of change when I don’t feel like I belong, but also being very considerative of other people’s feelings. I started giving more value to the time spent with the loved ones and their presence in my life, realizing it the hard way, that they are not here to stay forever. I discovered new places and cultures, adding pieces to my experiences puzzle. I bought my own apartment and I designed it to suit my personal style, turning it into a loving home. I experienced love in all its versions and I learnt that there is more than the eye can see or the mind could think of when it comes about it. I read books that enlightened my spirit and opened my mind. I became better at taking care of my mental and physical health by changing my lifestyle, becoming more active and aware of what I am fueling my body with.

I have reached a new level of social justice and a desire to make a difference as an individual, while still enjoying the little things that make me happy. Living in a consumerist society can be somehow confusing when it comes about what we actually want and need, to be compared to what we are told that we ”should” need. No matter what our guilty pleasures are, I do think that we could all agree, that our choices must be made consciously when it comes about our health, the environmental impact and the highest good of all. This year I want it to be about that…

Sincerely, A.

photo credit: Fotokova

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